Description: For so long, men have done everything their feeble minds could possibly conceive of in order to impress women. as they repeatedly fell short and disappointed their natural female superiors, in a vengeful attempt to undermine women, they created the false and harmful narrative that they are inherently smarter, stronger, and more powerful than the divine feminine. for so long, these pitiful males have hidden their true subservient selves from the world, all the while knowing that deep down in their dna is a desperate longing to submit to the all powerful woman. as more and more inferior men come to grips with their true worthlessness, it's about time that the entirety of the male gender begin to turn their lives over to their higher feminine power. if you have not yet admitted to yourself your pathetic groveling male nature, here is the perfect place to start. this introductory video will reach into the dusty cobwebbed crevices of your decaying brain matter and awaken the truest purpose a man could serve: embodying female supremacy.